Uber minimum wage ruling: what it means to a struggling driver

'I'm driving around like a headless chicken, but I'm not compensated' - driver says Uber's package falls short

Thomson Reuters Foundation

No more COVID jabs in parliament, says Lebanon's deputy speaker after scandal

About a dozen parliamentarians were vaccinated in the house last month despite not being in a top priority group

Reports of suspected slavery stall in UK due to coronavirus

Modern slavery victims in Britain less likely to be found or receive support due to COVID-19, advocates warn

Fashion brands urged to fix 'broken industry' with pledge on workers' pay

More than 200 rights groups call for profitable brands to ensure workers’ well-being in post-COVID-19 recovery

* Feel free to republish the Thomson Reuters Foundation stories above as long as credit is given.


OPINION: Six years on from Sendai disaster accord, pandemic shows need to reset priorities

It would take 500 years to invest as much in preparedness as the world is now losing because of impacts of COVID-19 on health, the global economy and social well-being

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