The wall.
Not social security, health care or smart economic policy to address the growing wealth divide.
Andy Biggs is only focused on the wall and his loyalty to Trump.
His recent fundraising email makes it clear. Congressman Biggs does not hold our values and he does not fight for us.
While he scrambles to raise money using a fear tactic, our infrastructure is crumbling, the deficit is rising at an alarming rate and he shamefully voted against our military and first responders.
All of us in Arizona’s 5th deserve better.
We deserve a representative who will protect our families with common sense legislation, champion an economy that works for everyone, and protect our borders with smart and compassionate policy.
As your Congresswoman, I will protect our borders the correct way. The Border Patrol has said time and again what they want. Boots on the ground and technology.
I promise to be accessible, transparent and I will never use fear to push an agenda.
Instead, I will fight for what is right and for our values.
Today is the last day before our campaign has to file fundraising numbers with the FEC. The strength of our numbers matter. They help political pundits and press know we are serious, and with a strong report, more resources will flow to our fight.
Will you stand with me today and chip in $10, $50 or $100 for change? We only need another $3925 to hit our goal.
Every dollar goes directly to ground team efforts that will help us reach more voters.
It’s time we show Andy Biggs the meaning of true American courage and values. Will you join us John?

Joan Greene For Congress
4802 East Ray Road
Suite 23-134
Phoenix, AZ 85044
United States