March 19, 2021
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Matt C. Abbott

March 19, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

March 19, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 19, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? Tucker Carlson's Fox show is always worth watching, but he is increasingly dependent on a left-winger, Glenn Greenwald, for commentaries. Fox News now has an entire article devoted to Greenwald's critique of liberal journalists on matters like the Hunter Biden affair. It's good Greenwald parts ways with the official Democratic Party line and sees the light on these issues. But that doesn't erase his history of service to anti-American causes. Viewers of Fox deserve the truth.... (more)

March 19, 2021
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? In California schools, it would seem that Jesus is out, but worshiping human-sacrifice-requiring Aztec deities may soon be in. In a 1996 book I wrote with D. James Kennedy, The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail, which dealt with today's anti-Christian bias, we noted the following: "San Jose, California. City officials built a statue of the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl, costing taxpayers half a million dollars. The mayor says the Aztec religion possessed 'those elements that seek to elevate the human consciousness to a higher plane.'"... (more)

March 18, 2021
JOSEPH FARAH ? Yesterday I told you about a pivotal person in the so-called "Jan. 6 Capitol Riot" -- or what they call the "insurrection." His name was Officer Brian Sicknick, the one who was reportedly bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. As it turned out, he died mysteriously some time the next day after receiving no more than first aid.... (more)

March 17, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY ? Like most of us, you are probably longing for a return to normal. Getting everybody vaccinated is supposed to be the way back, but the official word is "not yet," even if you have gotten your shot. Continue wearing your mask and keeping your distance. The Biden administration has announced a $1.5 billion taxpayer-funded advertising campaign – for a product that is free to the user because it was already bought and paid for by the taxpayer. The reason is "vaccine hesitancy" -- some people don't want the shots, including up to half of medical workers. And there is a push to require a "green pass" like in Israel – proof of vaccination, at first to take an international flight, later to work, shop, go to a concert, etc.... (more)

March 17, 2021
Mar. 8 interview dispels media lies about court-approved audit
PRESCOTT ENEWS ? Arizona Today's Dr. Lyle Rapacki talks with Shelby Busch and Steve Robinson of 'We the People Arizona Alliance' about the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, the state Senate's forensic audit, and the shredded ballots that were found in a dumpster this last weekend.... (more)

March 17, 2021
Ruling blasts giant hole in media narrative that all GOP legal challenges to Nov. 3 election lacked merit
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? Months after it would have made a difference, a judge has ruled that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) broke the law when she unilaterally issued directives related to absentee balloting in the 2020 election, Breitbart reported.... (more)

March 17, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? A survey by the University of Chicago finds that most Capitol Hill rioters had no ties to any fringe right-wing groups and were merely engaged people outraged by what they believed was a rigged election. While colorful weirdos with names such as QAnon Shaman and Baked Alaska stole the headlines, people who were arrested by federal officials during and after the riot were a "broader core of people" with a healthy skepticism about the veracity of the November 2020 election, according to the study.... (more)

March 17, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? CBS Evening News, citing unnamed sources, reports that the Department of Homeland Security has detained more than 13,000 unaccompanied children at the U.S.-Mexico border since Joe Biden's inauguration. What was becoming a more orderly, if still unruly, border across 2020 is now in crisis -- CBS reports, even using that word the Biden administration has avoided, in its video package, which you can watch in the tweet.... (more)

March 16, 2021
Makers of 'Gosnell' to reveal 'direct connection to president'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The Irish-born filmmaking couple Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinny have employed the medium of film to spotlight big stories and trends that establishment media either ignore or slant. Their scripts typically rely on transcripts of sworn witness testimony, such as in the anti-abortion feature "Gosnell: The Trial Of America's Biggest Serial Killer" and the recent "ObamaGate: The Movie," on the Trump-Russia collusion probe.... (more)

March 16, 2021
'I work for a company that is doing a lot of damage in the world'
BOB UNRUH ? A Facebook executive says his company has too much power, and it needs to be broken up to reduce the damage it is inflicting. The comments by Benny Thomas, Facebook's global planning lead, were captured in a hidden-camera interview by Project Veritas. "No king in the history of the world has been the ruler of 2 billion people, but Mark Zuckerberg is," he said.... (more)

March 16, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? Bolshevik Bernie Sanders, the lone Senate member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, is poised to take over the Democratic Party, after his supporters and sympathizers engineer the ouster of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Joe Biden. Sanders' socialist "dream" is about to come true.... (more)

March 16, 2021
EPOCH TIMES ? I am not a particular fan of Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises." But there is one exchange between two of the characters, Bill Gorton and Mike Campbell, that has stuck with me. "How did you go bankrupt?" Bill asked. "Two ways," Mike said. "Gradually and then suddenly." That passage has been running through my head a lot recently.... (more)

March 15, 2021
Failed 'to report the amount of taxpayer money spent'
WORLDNETDAILY ? A U.S. nonprofit with close ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology violated federal law by failing to disclose that taxpayer funds supported its work, according to a complaint a taxpayer watchdog group filed Monday.... (more)

March 15, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY ? "Assault weapon" is a dangerous, menacing two-word construct that sounds like something the government should step in and immediately ban. Unfortunately, it means nothing. If you go to your local gun shop, they won't be selling any "assault weapons." And it's not like they'll be advertising them under a friendlier name – "extra-strength firearms" or what-have-you – because the category doesn't actually exist. An "assault weapon" is essentially what liberals want to call an assault weapon, usually because it's a rifle and it looks scary.... (more)

March 15, 2021
Famous figures find it 'inexplicable' other liberals don't see the threat
ART MOORE ? Citing government seizure of power and censorship during the coronavirus pandemic, well-known liberal figures Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Naomi Wolf warned in a recent video-podcast discussion that America is on "a path to totalitarianism."... (more)

March 15, 2021
Daughter-in-law Lara Trump might run for U.S. Senate in N.C.
WORLDNETDAILY ? Former President Donald Trump teased that his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, might run for the Senate seat being vacated GOP Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina in surprise remarks delivered at Mar-a-Lago on Friday.... (more)

March 15, 2021
THE FEDERALIST ? On Monday, without comment, the Supreme Court ended the last of the 2020 election cases, rejecting Trump v. Wisconsin Election Commission in a one-line order. It was a quiet ending to a tumultuous election season, but like a football game with a contentious call at the end, the debate over who really won will likely go on much longer.... (more)

March 15, 2021
JUST THE NEWS ? The former lead investigator at the State Department who oversaw the Task Force into the origin of the COVID-19 virus told Fox News that he believes the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, and that it may have been the result of research that the Chinese military was doing on a bioweapon.... (more)

March 13, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? First things first: Tucker Carlson is my friend and I won't pretend to be unbiased about him. I've known him ever since he hired me at the Daily Caller in 2010. He was a great boss, and he went out of his way to help me when an illegally operated State Department security vehicle crippled me for life. I have a lot of respect for him. We don't agree on everything, and I'm not going to defend every single thing he's ever said in his life (nor would he expect me to), but I've seen with my own eyes what a good man he is. So if you want to dismiss me out of hand for that bias, feel free to stop reading now.... (more)

March 12, 2021
PJ MEDIA ? Remember when anti-gun activist David Hogg woke up one day and decided to start a pillow company to keep up with Mike Lindell's popular MyPillow because Lindell supports Trump?... (more)

March 12, 2021
Interview of Dr. Paul Kengor by Cliff Kincaid
YOUTUBE ? Veteran journalist Cliff Kincaid talks with Marxism expert Dr. Paul Kengor about the current lack of public awareness of communism in America, and what is needed to remedy that lack of awareness – through exposing what cultural Marxists are doing to hide their deceptive scheme to abolish private property, the family, and other vital elements American culture.... (more)

March 12, 2021
YOUTUBE ? Rep. Jim Jordan accuses "big media" companies of suppressing the Hunter Biden story during the 2020 election.... (more)

March 12, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID ? The centralization of the means of communications in the hands of the state--a key plank of the Communist Manifesto--is already being implemented in the United States under the one-party state now in power. Many conservatives are being censored under this regime, but I thought you might want to know how it works in practice, from someone whose YouTube channel has been censored twice. What do they fear? What are they trying to hide? My case provides some interesting answers.... (more)

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