

Kevin Duffy learned what 40 Days for Life is, not by participating or hearing about it from a friend...

...but by strategically countering it as an international abortion executive for Marie Stopes International.

Kevin spent the majority of the last decade exporting abortion to the developing world, but his employer's plan to push dangerous at-home abortions reawakened his conscience.

After years as a high-ranking abortion executive, Kevin is now pro-life!

On this week's episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we talk with Kevin about:

  • How he justified working in the abortion industry--and his exodus from it
  • His advice for those still working in the abortion industry

  • The impact 40 Days for Life vigils make on abortion facilities and abortion workers

Listen in at:


Falcón, Venezuela

A 40 Days for Life participant's granddaughter experienced complications with her pregnancy, leaving her baby without amniotic fluid for several hours.

Doctors said there was no hope for the child and scheduled a termination.

However, the Falcón 40 Days for Life leader explained to the family that this would be an abortion and advised delivering the baby by C-section.

40 Days for Life volunteers prayed intensely as the little girl was born.

Sadly, the child survived only two days, but 40 Days for Life Latin American Affairs Coordinator Lourdes Varela said the family--though sad--is grateful for the opportunity to meet their baby.

"The family is fine," Lourdes reported. "They met their baby and they see in her short life a purpose in Jesus Christ."


Bristol, Tennessee

Bristol's 40 Days for Life team is pulling out all the stops--using social media, local radio stations, news coverage, church visits, and other outreach efforts--to mobilize and unite the community's churches in defense of life.

Their efforts are paying off! 55 people from various congregations gathered for the 40 Days for Life midpoint prayer walk from the local crisis pregnancy center to the abortion facility, drawing the attention of local news outlets before and after the event.

"We are thrilled to see the Body of Christ coming together to stand for life!" said Pastor Phil Anderson, Bristol's 40 Days for Life leader.


Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.

—Psalm 139:16

Gracious God, help us to appreciate the wonder and beauty of Your creation. Help us proclaim on behalf of every one of our fellow human beings, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." May the knowledge that we are intimately known by You shape our lives and actions.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316