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Friday, March 19th, 2021

Sleepy Joe’s $140 Billion Day of Infamy

David Stockman

Bulls, Bears, and Beyond: In Depth With James Grant

Kevin Duffy

It’s the Debt, Stupid

Thomas Luongo

Fighting Woke Tyrants

Paul Gottfried

Digital Trails: How the FBI Is Identifying, Tracking, and Rounding Up Dissidents

John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead

‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids

Children’s Health Defense

My Original Position on the Non-Existent Virus

Jon Rappoport

Using the Herd Immunity Excuse for Gene Therapy Vaccine on Kids

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon

Paul Craig Roberts

GOP Moves To Save Biden: We Want Amnesty, Too!

Ann Coulter

Systemic Failure

The Z-Man

How the US Military Subverted the Afghan Peace Agreement To Prolong an Unpopular War

Gareth Porter

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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