
In more than 40 states, Republican state legislators are pushing hard for new laws that would severely restrict access to the ballot box for tens of millions of Americans.

Instead of working to make it easier for Americans to vote, they’re pushing Donald Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election and paving the way for draconian voter suppression efforts across the country.

Will you add your name to condemn this national effort by Republicans and call for strengthening voting rights across the country?


We know that when we vote, we win. Republicans know that, too.

That’s why they’re working overtime to rush these bills through state legislatures around the country. Many of them would limit mail-in voting, early voting, and in-person Election Day voting. It’s also no accident that Republicans are working so hard to restrict voting in states like Georgia, which flipped toward Democrats last year thanks to record-shattering turnout.

Click here to add your name to our petition.

Thank you,

Serve America