Construction has begun on the new Oswego Entertainment Venue. Work on the park and amphitheater project, which is located adjacent to the Park N Ride Lot at the proposed site of a future Metra station, is underway in earnest. Weather permitting, the first phase of the amphitheater project will be completed by July, with turf ready for performances around the end of August.
Residents and businesses interested in bringing this community to life can donate to the project and even buy a commemorative brick for the venue's entryway. Read more.
Popeye's is coming! On Tuesday, March 16, the Oswego Village Board approved plans for a new Popeye's that is coming to Orchard Way, to be located in the out-lots near Jewel-Osco.
Reserve your spot for Coffee & Conversations for Seniors with Troy Parlier sponsored by Symphony at The Tillers
Four times a year, Village President Troy Parlier hosts Coffee & Conversations for Seniors, an opportunity for our senior residents to connect with their community, ask questions, learn more about our Village programs and facilities and more.
The next Coffee & Conversations, sponsored by Symphony at The Tillers, will be held on Saturday, March 27, at 11 a.m. at Oswego Police Headquarters. Space is limited to ensure social distancing. (Note: Coffee and treats will be distributed to each attendee upon departure, courtesy of Symphony at The Tillers.) Reserve your spot by contacting Community Engagement Coordinator Julie Hoffman at [email protected] or 630-551-2344. Read more.
People in Kendall County can now text 911 in an emergency. KenCom, the agency that handles emergency dispatch in communities across Kendall County, recently announced that it has implemented a Text-to-911 feature.
In an emergency, you should still call 911 by phone if you are able. However, if you are in a situation in which it would be unsafe to call, or if you have a disability that makes calling difficult, you can now send a text for emergency services. If you use this service, include the details of the emergency, especially the location, in your initial text. Call when you can. Text when you can't. Read more.
It's a Dairy Barn-raising!
The new Dairy Barn, on the site of the former Dairy Hut, is going up fast! The new Dairy Barn, which will include a hot food menu as well as ice cream, plus indoor seating, is expected to be open by Sept. 1.
Upcoming dates
Saturday, March 20 - Budget Workshop, 9 a.m. Watch live.
Monday, March 22 - Early Voting begins at Village Hall
Thursday, March 24 - Historic Preservation Commission, 7 p.m.
Saturday, March 27 - Coffee & Conversations, 11 a.m. at Police Headquarters
Monday, April 5 - Yard waste collection starts. Details.
Monday, April 5 - Oswego Village Board, 7 p.m. Watch online.
Tuesday, April 6 - Election Day