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 News of the Week

Lots of Cash in the Comptroller Contest, and Donor Disparities in the Race for Mayor
Highlights from the latest financial filings by 2021 candidates for mayor, comptroller, borough president and City Council in New York.

Policy Shop: A Latino Agenda, a Small Biz Rescue Plan and a Subway Holiday
The spotlight was elsewhere last week, but the campaign 2021 policy ideas kept coming.

City’s Preliminary Budget Offers More Housing Funds, But Maintains Cuts to Some Programs
HPD would see its capital funding restored with a slight increase in the mayor’s preliminary budget for fiscal year 2022. However, a few initiatives — such as a pilot program to legalize basement apartments, and funding for new supportive housing — continue to face pandemic-related cuts.

State Temporarily Waives ‘Lawsuit Requirement’ for Family Rent Supplement Program

The change will suspend a requirement for the Family Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement (FHEPS) where applicants had to show proof that their landlord had filed an eviction against them in housing court for rent payments.
Those running for mayor have exercised their civic duty to varying degrees over their time as New York City voters, a City Limits review of Board of Elections records indicates.
The Senate’s version of the 2021 spending plan fast-tracks the siting process—even as it carves out tax breaks for existing casinos that are struggling—and gives the City Council a voice.

NYC, A Year Later:
Share Your Pandemic Story

It’s been a year since COVID-19 sent New Yorkers into lockdown. City Limits wants to hear from residents about how their lives have changed since then, how they’re feeling about the future and what they think the government can do to help people recover.


The 2021 municipal races are well underway, and CityVote is here to stay. 

Let us keep you up to date on all the accelerating 2021 races in NYC.


Una Ciudad sin Límites

Estados Unidos es el mercado legal de armas más grande del mundo. El número de armas que tiene el país es mayor que la suma que tienen los siguientes 25 países juntos, dice Ioan Grillo, periodista británico.

Problema de personas sin hogar no debe ser tratado únicamente como problema de vivienda, piden a candidatos pensar más allá
Defensores creen que la ciudad no verá reducciones significativas en el número de niños que crecen en refugios para personas sin hogar hasta que las políticas se dirijan a la movilidad social de las mujeres de color.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Adopting a Clean Fuel Standard Will Clean New York’s Air
‘In New York, the transportation sector alone is responsible for 36 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, and that number is growing.

Opinion: To Reach New York’s Most Vulnerable, Vaccines Must Literally ‘Hit the Streets’
‘To reach those currently experiencing homelessness, it is essential for organizations with longstanding visibility to be empowered and unrestricted to vaccinate in non-traditional settings. Imagine a popup clinic under the GW Bridge, inside Port Authority or inside the MTA terminals at Barclay Center or Grand Central.‘

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