

I hope you and your family are doing well!


I’m writing to you today to invite you to the 2021 Obama Gala. It’s the Colorado Democrats’ annual fundraiser, and it is critical to funding the party’s win plan for 2021 and 2022. I hope I can count on you to be there!


The annual Obama Gala is more than just a fundraising event -- it’s a celebration of the accomplishments we have achieved together as Democrats. And believe me when I say that we have a lot to celebrate this year. Not only was Colorado instrumental to electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, but without your support and efforts, we never would have flipped the U.S. Senate blue, nor would we have defended our important majority in the U.S House!


Over the years, it’s been my honor to have been voted by you to receive Obama Gala awards like the Democrat of the Year and the Rural Outreach Awards. Now I’m asking you personally to join me in supporting the 2021 award winners by securing your spot today at the 4th Annual Obama Gala on April 24th!


In addition to honoring the 2021 awardees, the Colorado Democratic Party has quite a show lined up for you with an exciting speaker list! April 24 promises to be a great night, and I want to see you there. By attending the 2021 Obama Gala, you too can not only celebrate our 2020 victories, but you can help ensure Colorado continues to go blue in 2022! You can do that by buying a ticket, or if you are able to, you can join me in being a sponsor of the gala!

The work of the CDP is important now more than ever. So much is up for reelection in 2022, including all of our statewide offices, all of our U.S. House seats, a U.S Senate seat, our crucial majorities in the Colorado legislature, and seats down the ticket.


Believe me when I say the Republicans are eying every single one of those seats, and they’re counting on us to be complacent in 2022. I’m not going to let that happen, and I hope you’ll join me and take this important opportunity to keep Colorado blue in 2022 by getting your tickets to the 2021 Obama Gala today!


Thank you for all you do!


-- Joe


Joe Neguse

Member of Congress

Congressional District 2
