March 18, 2021
Listen to today's show:
I have a big announcement and I’m incredibly excited to share it with my audience first. In this episode, also discuss the latest conspiracy theory being pumped by the left in order to assist them in unraveling the country, and the latest strong move by this growing force in the GOP.
Rep. McCarthy Files Resolution to Kick Eric Swalwell off Intel Committee
Having survived FartGate unscathed, Rep. Eric Swalwell may finally face consequences for one of his actual scandals.
Republican AGs Threaten to Sue Biden Admin – Demand Assurances Relief Bill Doesn’t Prohibit Tax Cuts
Twentyone state Attorney Generals have written a letter to the Biden Administration threatening to sue them over the language in the 600+ page COVID relief bill that could be interpreted as preventing states that get it from cutting taxes.
Psaki Blames Trump’s “Damaging Rhetoric” For Atlanta Shooting Spree
During the White House briefing yesterday, Biden press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about violence against Asian Americans. That question comes in the wake of a spree killing of six Asian Americans and two white Americans at three massage parlors of which twenty-one-year-old Robert Aaron Long is the alleged perpetrator.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991