John, Senator Ron Johnson is up for reelection in Wisconsin next year.

This is our chance to take down a Republican who has continually spewed vile and racist remarks, spread dangerous lies, and voted in lock-step with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell.

Rush a contribution to make sure Democrats have a fighting chance in states like Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is a true swing state. Donald Trump won it in 2016, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris narrowly flipped it in 2020.

Republicans have spent a significant amount of money, time, and energy to keep this state from slipping out of reach, and this race will be expensive.

We cannot afford another six years of his racism and deceit. We need grassroots Democrats like you to step up and help send Republicans like Ron Johnson packing.

John, please make a contribution of $10 or any amount right now:

Thank you,

Defend the Senate