
I wanted to send you a quick note to personally thank you for your support and let you know why it means so much to me and our entire team.

Recently we set an ambitious fundraising goal in order to qualify for one of the last rounds of matching funds — and because of you, and hundreds of supporters like you, we not only reached our goal, but exceeded it.

I care so much about this movement and making sure we succeed, that I really can’t thank you enough. Truly none of what we’re building would be possible without you.

Running for office has been one of the most rewarding and meaningful experiences of my life, but also by far one of the most stressful. During the challenging moments of this race, I think about all of our campaign’s amazing supporters, like you, and that inspires me to keep going — because I know you have my back, and I don’t want to let you down.

We still have a long way to go, but right now we are right where we need to be, and that’s because of you. So once again, thank you!

