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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US |  March 18, 2021

IHOP Falls Behind

In a recent earnings call IHOP’s parent company, Dine Brands Global, reported that it fell short of its expected earnings for the quarter, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as the primary cause. With plant-based eating continuing to increase in popularity, especially during the pandemic, offering a substantial vegan menu item could help bring in an entirely new customer base that the breakfast giant has missed out on thus far. By debuting a vegan menu option like a stack of delicious plant-based pancakes, a veggie burger or a veggie breakfast sandwich, we know that IHOP could make up for its losses. 

Join Animal Outlook and Vegan Outreach in urging IHOP to offer a substantial vegan menu item with a quick comment on its social media. 


Erica Meier Steps Down as Animal Outlook's President

"When I started working at Compassion Over Killing (now Animal Outlook) in 2005, we had three staff members and a shoestring budget but we were brimming with determination and resolve to create a kinder world for animals. While so much has changed since then, our commitment remains steadfast and continues to be one of our greatest strengths.

After leading this charge for the past 16 years — and after much soul searching —  I have made the decision to step down." Read more from Erica Meier.

Largest Egg Producer in Arizona Catches Fire

Just several days ago, 165,000 lives were lost in a fire. If anyone were to read a headline like that, they would undoubtedly refer to it as a tragedy and mourn the lives lost. But when the 165,000 lives are those of chickens imprisoned at an egg factory farm, the animal agriculture industry refers to that as an unfortunate loss of product. We think these hens deserve better. Read more.

New Documentary Seaspiracy Faces Attack 

Leaked documents from the fishing industry exposed a plan to attack the Netflix release of new documentary Seaspiracy, which seeks to uncover "alarming global corruption" and already faces backlash from that industry before it even reaches screens. Read more.

Join us for 2021 VegWeek

VegWeek 2021 kicks off on April 19, and it's easy to sign up for a week of vegan eating. By taking the VegPledge, you'll receive daily emails containing recipes, tips, resources and more to support you on your vegan journey. What's more, you're automatically entered for a chance to win great vegan prizes* just by taking the VegPledge. And don't forget to join our year-round VegWeek online community on Facebook, where VegPledgers can ask questions, share recipes and connect with each other even after VegWeek is over.

We're ready. Are you? Take the VegPledge today
*Prizes limited to U.S. residents

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