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Dear friend,
Last fall, we launched our Second Chances Agenda campaign. People can change, and our laws should reflect that. It’s time to break our nation’s addiction to harsh sentencing laws and reunite families.
We're happy to see that support for second chances is taking off! More than a dozen states, including Texas, New York, and California, are considering "second look" bills. These bills would allow people serving long prison sentences an opportunity to have their sentences reduced after a discrete period of time. Each state’s proposal is different, but the message is the same: Second chances make sense.
Illinois and New Mexico are also considering compassionate release reform, another key piece of our Second Chances Agenda. Keeping sick and elderly people in prison does not make communities safer and is expensive. The spread of COVID-19 in our prisons and jails shows how important it is to have mechanisms in place to release vulnerable people.
We need your help in building support for second chances around the country. Please sign our petition today to show lawmakers that you believe people can change and our laws should reflect that. [link removed] [[link removed]]
Please share the petition with as many friends and family members as possible.
We lock up too many people for far too long and leave them in prison for years—even decades—for no good reason. We all pay the price. Together, we can give everyone the second chance they deserve.
Kevin Ring
President, FAMM
1100 H Street NW | Suite 1000 | Washington, D.C. xxxxxx | Tel: (202) 822-6700
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