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Dear friend,

The banks are getting the message, thanks to you!  

But we still need to keep up the pressure. Covid-19 could still push up to 150 million people into extreme poverty. At the same time, many large banks and speculators - including Blackrock, JP Morgan, HSBC and UBS  - continue to demand debt repayments from some of the poorest countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

We went to some of the banks headquarters and left them a reminder.

Due to high interest rates, some companies could be making up to 250% profit from these loans if paid back in full. Poorer countries are left with less money to spend on tackling Covid, the climate crisis and essentials like education and health.

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If you haven’t written to the CEO of these banks yet, you can still do it here. Some of you may have taken this action with Christian Aid, CAFOD or Global Justice Now, but feel free to take it with us if you have the time.  

The more emails we can send the better! 

As ever, stay safe, and best wishes,   

Zak, Jerome, Eva and everyone at Jubilee Debt Campaign 

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