This could prove move instructive. Watch and wait then. use the same procedure to remove Biden et al.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Pelosi: House Democrats May Remove Republican Who Won Close Race - Geller Report News
This could prove move instructive. Watch and wait then. use the same procedure to remove Biden et al.

California Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs - Geller Report News
Here it is ...... the road to ruin. This is the stuff of Mein Kamf. "Guardians of the State"

Russian President Putin RECALLS Russian ambassador to Washington after imbecilic Biden calls him a "KILLER" - Geller Report News
If America's worst enemy managed to install their own man in the WH, could he be worse than this demented, child-sniffing segregationist? “Biden’s statement is just a triumph of the political insanity of the United States and age-related ...

OMG: Biden is DIGITALLY ALTERED into a WH 'press conference' earlier today (Video) - Geller Report News
Look at Biden’s hands and the reporter’s fuzzy microphones in the foreground at 0:10. . Biden, who appeared flummoxed while briefly answering questions, appears to magically go through a microphone.

GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's Lackey Was Source of Fake Trump Quotes - Geller Report News
RINOs are the ultimate enemy -- they must be purged. Raffensperger's lapdog Jordan Fuchs is a slag.

Why Has Tony Blinken Never Heard of the Treaty of Hudaibiyya? - Geller Report News
Can someone please get him copies of both the Mandate for Palestine and U.N. Resolution 242, in triplicate, for him, for National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and for President Biden? Clearly, in Washington, it’s time to burn the midnight oil.

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Women of the Revolution, "Pass the ERA NOW" - Geller Report News
The ERA is an insult to all women - stating unquivocally we are not equal. More bullshittery to pass hard left suppression policies. “I am profoundly anti-feminist because it's a phony movement." (Ayn Rand)

How CUFI has awakened the ‘sleeping giant’ of Christian Zionism - Geller Report News
What Christians United for Israel (CUFI) has done for Israel and the Jewish people is nothing short of incredible.

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