Amnesty Votes Set for Tomorrow... ...We Need Financial Support Today Help Us In Our Desperate Struggle to Defeat These Two Amnesty Bills ![]() Dear John xxxxxx, By now, you should have received Action Alerts, warning you of the grave danger of two absurdly bad amnesty bills the House will vote on tomorrow if we don't frighten leaders into delaying. (If you haven't, click here!) We need your help to keep up these efforts. This fight will continue to be costly no matter what happens tomorrow. If these bills do manage to pass the House, we will have to defeat them in the Senate. And if we stop these amnesties now, the open-borders forces in Congress have been clear that they will keep coming back with one version or another of amnesties and immigration expansions. The situation on the border has collapsed into near pandemonium, as promises of amnesty enticed over 100,000 illegal aliens to enter in February... the highest number of aliens for that month in 15 years! Even the usually pro-amnesty Senator Lindsay Graham is alarmed: "Let me tell you what's happened: Word is out that the Trump policies are being replaced by the Biden administration [so] that if you get one foot in America, you are never going to leave and people are coming by the thousands, they'll be coming by the hundreds of thousands by the summer. It's a humanitarian crisis. It's going to be an economic crisis for our cities along the border, and eventually, it's going to be a national security crisis." -- Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC) The overconfidence of the open-borders members of Congress that dominates the House has caused them to avoid deceit: these bills are comprehensively bad. There aren't even any empty promises about beefing up the border, or cracking down, for instance, on employers who fire legal workers to hire illegal aliens for less. There are NO new funds for more border agents, nor more judges, nor even more beds. This shows willful neglect. These bills do nothing other than reward illegal immigration at a time when President Biden is doing everything he can to dismantle any efforts to stem the growing tide of aliens streaming over our border. We need to defeat these bills. It will be tough, since both bills did pass the House in the previous Congress. So, we fight all the harder. And we need your financial support to do that. This is the best time ever to give, because right now, we are having our largest matching campaign ever. Our Action fund -- the one we can use to pressure Congress -- has received over $157,000 in matching contributions from some of our biggest donors to motivate still more giving.
We're used to winning when things look bleak. If you've been with us long, you know how several times before, Congress appeared ready to pass so-called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" with huge, bipartisan majorities. In the end, we've always won. Even now, there are many rays of hope. For one, the mainstream media are NO LONGER ignoring the crisis on the border. Tuesday's Washington Post front page has a headline stating, "Border upheaval looms as a threat for Biden." The story says that "Biden faces a growing political threat from the upheaval at the border and is drawing criticism from across the spectrum." Most major press outlets are running articles and editorials warning Biden he is risking a calamity. And today's top article on the New York Times reads, "U.S. DETENTIONS SPIKE AT BORDER, DEFYING EASY FIX." The subhead says, "MIGRANT WAVE GROWING." In another helpful development, major polling firm Rasmussen Reports has seen support for open borders policies PLUNGE since Biden's election. Support for a border crackdown measure is going way up. The nation is losing patience with the rush toward amnesty. Our job at NumbersUSA is to show Congress that America does not want more immigration and a disintegrating border. WE BADLY NEED YOUR FINANCIAL HELP TO GET THROUGH TO CONGRESS.
In this time of high unemployment and Americans in financial need, Congress should remember that amnesties are very expensive. On average, each amnesty recipient will receive far more in government benefits than they will ever pay in taxes. According to a new Center for Immigration Studies report, each person granted amnesty costs taxpayers a net of $93,0000. Also, being soft on illegal immigration certainly is NOT compassionate. "Aiding and abetting cartels is not compassion. Putting in policies that allow them to abuse women on the journey is not compassion. Allowing them to grow and be funded into a disabling force in these nations that are trying to thrive and survive and create a thriving economy for their people is not compassion "We have turned the people who've signed up to protect our border into the last mile delivery system of the cartel migrant human trafficking organization We can fix this, we can secure our border, we can protect the lives of these people, and we can keep this nation strong and help push back the cartel influence in our nation and throughout Central and South America." -- Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) This is a truly terrible time for such a man-made crisis. Illegal aliens are processed at desperately overcrowded facilities where coronavirus infections are running rampant. Then, they are sent out across America. "President Biden has a goal of maybe our families can get together on the Fourth of July, but he's spreading COVID throughout, and the numbers are only going to grow every single day. And, as this grows, our border's become less secure because the agents have to be off the border and caring for those who are here... You know that 1.9 trillion, the biggest spending we've ever done? There's not $1 in there to help them. They're taking it out of their [Border Patrol] operations." -- House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) "The problem is, [the administration is] listening to immigrants and activists, which is okay, but they've got to listen to the local communities, and they've got to listen to those men and women in green [Border Patrol uniforms]." -- U.S. Rep Henry Cuellar (D-TX) The bills being considered won't do anything to help this crisis. They will only add more fuel to the fire, more incentive to break our laws and overwhelm our border system. We need your help to defeat these bills -- and the ones that are being queued up to come after them. Please give today. Remember, every dollar you give will be matched by a dollar from one of our largest donors. We absolutely urgently need to raise funds, and this is the best time for your donations to have double the impact. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].