Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family have offered up a new plan to shield themselves from accountability for the devastating opioid epidemic they helped create. They are pitching this as a great public service, but all it does is ensure they can keep the fortune they amassed by breaking the law and ruining lives here in Massachusetts and across the country.
This deal is nowhere near done. Read more in my op-ed for USA Today.
This plan lets the Sacklers get away with paying what amounts to a drop in the bucket for them while they continue to get richer off of their investments. It allows them to continue covering up the facts and denying the public the right to learn the full extent of their crimes. And it would force state and local governments to take over their OxyContin business.
I filed the first state lawsuit against the Sackler family in 2018 because they helped cause a national tragedy – one that continues to take the lives of five people in Massachusetts each day and is getting worse during the pandemic. I sued the Sacklers for the families in Massachusetts and across the country who have been harmed by the opioid crisis and have been waiting for far too long to see justice served.
Justice matters, and we won’t ever stop fighting for it.
Thanks for all you do,

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Paid for by the Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15 Boston MA 02137 United States