From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Standing United Against Anti-Asian Hate
Date March 17, 2021 10:18 PM
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Dear John,

We are all deeply disturbed by the horrific attack in Atlanta.

While there is still much we don&rsquo;t know, we do know this: alarm bells have been ringing and hate toward the Asian American and Pacific Islander community has been rising. It is our civic and moral duty to speak out to stop the hate.

The ADL community has a timeless mission to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all. We stand today with the Committee of 100, a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, with the following joint statement in response to historic increases in anti-Chinese and anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander incidents and assaults.

&ldquo;ADL is united with all of our Asian American brothers and sisters in standing up against hate, xenophobia and violence. Violence towards any minority group is not the answer. The anxiety and fear in the Asian American community is palpable, and we grieve with and support the millions of Chinese Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across the U.S. who feel targeted. We commend Committee of 100 for their work in bringing this issue of anti-Asian hate to the forefront and we very much look forward to working with them hand in hand to help solve a crisis that many communities are facing.&rdquo;

&ldquo;We at the Committee of 100 are extremely saddened by the increased attacks against Chinese Americans and the Asian American and Pacific Islander community overall. Chinese Americans are Americans. Period. The violence and rhetoric that is happening now in these communities across the U.S. is horrific, sad, and unacceptable,&rdquo; said Zheng Yu Huang, President of Committee of 100. &ldquo;These acts of hate have no place in America, whether directed against Asian Americans or anyone else. We are extremely thankful to the Anti-Defamation League for standing with us as we collectively work towards concrete actions that will address the roots of the violence and xenophobia directed at
the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Hate has no place in our society.&rdquo;

ADL and the Committee of 100 are calling on all our elected officials and law enforcement to urgently address racism, discrimination and violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders with actionable, concrete results.

With additional funding, education and action, there is a chance to put these horrific incidents in the past and move forward as a nation. Earlier this month, the Committee of 100 outlined
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seven calls to action that look to hold elected officials and law enforcement accountable for producing change for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. On Thursday, March 18, the House Judiciary Committee is holding hearings on discrimination and violence against Asian Americans.

The fatal attack in Atlanta also underscores a terrible truth, that women all too often bear the brunt of men&rsquo;s rage. It&rsquo;s important to recognize that misogyny is an underestimated component of extremism. According to the organization Stop AAPI Hate, women made up a far higher share of the thousands of reports of anti-Asian incidents since the pandemic began, targeted 68 percent of the time, compared to men, who were targeted 29 percent of the time.

Since the start of the pandemic, ADL has been deeply concerned about the spread of anti-Asian and antisemitic conspiracy theories, and we need to show solidarity with the Asian American community, which has been the victim of violence and scapegoating.

We are closely monitoring the situation and investigation in Georgia. Regardless of whether this deadly attack was racist violence or was motivated by misogyny or some other cause, the Asian American community is living in fear.

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You can speak out against anti-Asian hate now.
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Call on Congress to take action by passing two House resolutions that condemn this rising tide of racist hatred and aim to curb the damaging effects of anti-Asian bias and violence.

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Call for Action Now

No one should be scapegoated because of who they are.

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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