During Women’s History Month, I’ve been thinking about the important women in my life, the women who have influenced my career, and my vision as a leader. One woman who has been instrumental in my success as a Democrat was my mother-in-law, Joanie, who would have celebrated her 89th birthday today. She’d not be pleased I told you that number!
We still haven’t celebrated Joan’s life together — she died from COVID a little less than a year ago, but I wanted to take a moment to celebrate her life with you because she was an absolutely extraordinary woman: politically engaged, progressive despite the era, progressive before people knew what a progressive even was, and she was completely dedicated to creating opportunities for women to achieve and succeed.
She worked for every party presidential candidate from Kennedy to Obama, was the granddaughter of a suffragist, and a loving wife and mother to five wonderful children.
She was an accomplished multitasker, able to chain smoke, cook, watch MSNBC, and play solitaire — all while feeding, bantering with, and loving her boisterous family.

Today, when I think of Joanie, there are no tears. She lived completely and without apology, as I aspire to do as well — not to mention her fight, her passion for human rights, women’s rights, and politics, and her wit. She joked with one of her nurses a few hours before she passed, asking “Am I dead yet?!”
Joan died without any of her children, their spouses, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren at her side. There were Zoom calls and a few visits through the window. The wonderful, caring staff of Edgehill Nursing Home held her hand, touched her head, and loved her while she died. To all the remarkable nurses, doctors, and staff who cared for her: we are forever grateful.
For the one in three Americans that have experienced a sudden loss to COVID, know that I feel your pain intimately and deeply. This pandemic has touched all of our lives in inexplicable and immeasurable ways.
My fight for truth, transparency, and decency continues. For Joanie and for all Americans that have been affected by this pandemic, please know that I’m fighting on your behalf.