What if you knew you had the power to stop this Republican recall? Wouldn't you act on it?

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If you knew just $3 could stop a Republican governor from taking over California, wouldn’t you contribute it right away?

If you knew contributing $3 could prevent some Trump acolyte from taking us backward in the fight against COVID, climate change and criminal justice reform, wouldn’t it be worth it?

I know that $3 doesn’t sound like the kind of money that can win an election and stop a Republican recall, especially with some of Trump’s biggest donors pouring in huge amounts of money to beat us.

But by the time you got to this point in the email, someone has already chipped in $3 to help Governor Newsom beat this recall. Now they’re hoping you’ll do the same. Because that is how we win. Together.

So what do you say?

Can you make a $3 contribution to Governor Newsom’s campaign to stop the Republican recall in California? Our 72-hour launch fundraising drive ends soon, and your donation is critical to helping us reach our goals.

This isn’t just about how much money we raise, it’s about how many people chip in to stop this far-right power grab. So thank you in advance for your contribution before this drive ends. It means a lot.

All our best,

Team Newsom

Our important Launch Fundraising Drive ends soon, and your $3 contribution today will help us reach our goals. How we start this campaign will go a long way toward ensuring it ends by defeating the Republican recall attempt. So please chip in.

Can Governor Newsom count on you to chip in $3 before our fundraising drive ends?



Committee major funding from: California Democratic Party

This email was sent to: [email protected]. Emails are a very important way for Team Newsom to keep in touch with others who oppose the right-wing Republican recall attempt. If you want to unsubscribe, that would be unfortunate, but please click here to unsubscribe. To make a donation to help Governor Newsom stop this recall attempt, please click here.