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🚨ALERT: Congress is voting TODAY on two key bills that will impact women. 

The misnamed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA): This bill would hurt women by affecting sex-specific policies and programs that were designed to protect, support, and expand opportunities for women and girls, such as:

  • Single-sex prisons, sports teams, restrooms, publicly funded women’s shelters, and dorm rooms

  • Sororities at public universities

  • STEM grants for girls

Go deeper.

The misappropriated Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): H.R. 1620 was just introduced in the House.
  • Title II of H.R. 1620 (Improving Services for Victims) strikes the word “women” and inserts “people.”
  • Women are erased again in Title IV (Violence Reduction Practices) when the language strikes “violence against women” and inserts “violence against adults, youth.” 

Go deeper.

The misleading Equality Act: 

The Senate is holding a hearing about the so-called "Equality Act." Jennifer Braceras, director of Independent Women's Law Center, submitted testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

"Notably, the regulation says "both sexes," reflecting a binary conception of sex, under which athletic programs operate sex-specific teams for male athletes and for female athletes." 
Read it here.


Save Women's Sports

The science is clear and irrefutable: if females are forced to compete with and against biological males, they will lose valuable opportunities.
IT’S NOT FAIR, and it defeats the purpose of Title IX.


“There are real biological differences between men and women and those differences matter. Not all the time… but those differences in certain contexts do matter. And those contexts are exactly contest of strength… or cases in which a woman’s privacy or safety is at stake when they cannot not have single-sex spaces.”
- Inez Stepman, IWF Senior Policy Analyst

Just In

  • Biden’s Climate Rhetoric Doesn’t Excuse Bad Policy Read more.
  • What To Buy With Your Third Stimulus Check Read more.


Democrats Want To Take California’s Freelance Job Destruction National

Last week, the U.S. House passed the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, a bill that would do to the entire nation what Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) did to California. In endorsing the Democrat-backed legislation, President Biden said the PRO Act will help achieve “the dignity, equity, shared prosperity and common purpose the hardworking people who built this country and make it run deserve.” But there is no dignity, equity, or shared prosperity in stripping Americans of their basic right to be self-employed.



Violence Against Women Act

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), or H.R. 1620, was just introduced in the U.S. House. 

Can you identify which of the following is not true about VAWA?

A. VAWA was first enacted with bipartisan support in 1994 to prevent violent crime, particularly violence against women.
B. Since VAWA’s enactment, there have been numerous reports of waste, fraud, and abuse.
C. VAWA recognizes women are overwhelmingly the majority of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.


She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Author, feminist leader, and a former democratic advisor Naomi Wolf joins the podcast this week to discuss whether or not the current COVID lockdowns are forever changing the face of the U.S. Listen to it here.
    Or catch the episode on your favorite podcast app:        
  • Next Episode: Listen to Rep. Lisa McClain (MI-10) discuss her work on behalf of veterans, reopening schools, and more (3/19) at 9 a.m. ET. Hear it here.

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A Racial Quota by Any Other Name…Is Still Discrimination Share this story.


Sami’s Law Means Well but May Put Brakes on Ridesharing

Despite being largely safe, unfortunate incidents have occurred. One incident has spurred federal legislation that could negatively impact innovation in ridesharing by introducing new regulations that may not significantly improve customer safety.


Roundup‌ ‌Settlement‌ ‌a‌ ‌Boon‌ ‌for‌ ‌Plaintiffs’‌ ‌Lawyers‌

The proposed Roundup settlement raises significant questions about class-action litigation. At the outset, notwithstanding the enormous settlement numbers being tossed around, one wonders about the merits of the litigation. 

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