A Brief History of Fascist LiesFriend,
It’s the 50th Episode of the RefuseFascism Podcast!

We started this podcast the week millions began to
pour into the streets rebelling against white supremacy and demanding
justice for George Floyd. When we began a fascist regime was tightening
its grip on society; we called the podcast “Inside With #OutNow” as the
movement to get these fascists out became all the more urgent.
Since then, we’ve covered Trump’s refusal to wear a mask as a signal
to fascism and other forms of fascist propaganda, the white supremacy,
xenophobia and misogyny that is the core of this fascism, Trump’s death
cult, the Christian Fascist movement and its embrace of Trump, American
exceptionalism and American mythology; faith, resistance and complicity
under fascism. We’ve shared voices from the front-lines: from Portland
and LA to North Carolina and the suburbs of Chicago, and overall the
need to stop fascism and organizing methods to mobilize all who can be
united against it. Throughout all of this we have mobilized people to
act in the name of humanity.
Thanks to all the amazing guests of the show as well as all of
YOU listening, sharing and commenting.
>> Donate this week and help reach more people… All donors who give $50 for this
milestone will receive a beautiful pin as a thank you
(if you provide your mailing address).
Rate & Review on Apple Podcasts or your listening platform of choice to help reach more listeners and be sure to subscribe for the latest.
#49 Federico Finchelstein on Fascist Lies
Sam Goldman interviews Federico Finchelstein, Professor of History at
the New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College and Director
of the Janey Program in Latin American Studies.
>> Listen
Read excerpts here
Dr. Finchelstein is the author of seven books on fascism, populism,
Dirty Wars, the Holocaust and Jewish history in Latin America and
Europe. His new book is A Brief History of Fascist Lies.
Follow him on Twitter @FinchelsteinF.
#50 Susan Neiman & Daryle Lamont Jenkins: Learning from the Past to Chart the Future
This week, Sam Goldman interviews Susan Neiman, director of the
Einstein Forum in Germany and author of Learning from the Germans:
Confronting Race and the Memory of Evil and Daryle Lamont Jenkins,
Executive Director of One People’s Project.
Follow Daryle on Twitter
>> Listen
Send your comments on the podcasts to
[email protected] or @SamBGoldman.
Connect with the movement at RefuseFascism.org and support:
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RefuseFascism.org national team 917 407 1286
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Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013