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The age-old question that most of us shooters face is what is the best caliber handgun to carry concealed for self-defense purposes. As you would imagine, there are as many opinions about this as orifices in our teeth and many “experts” disagree on a specific caliber answer. The question itself and the answer are controversial. Some say the question should not be asked
because there are just too many possibilities and variables and caliber is not a primary variable.
In the last few months, year, or so, there have been many new handguns introduced for concealed carry (CC). It seems there is always the “latest and greatest” handgun
with a unique gimmick or special feature introduced for your consideration. Everyone has an opinion about “THE” best CC gun and certainly everyone has their individual biases and preferred features for it. Most cannot afford to change their CC gun every few months nor do they want to. They want to have a very reliable and quality CC gun they can live with for quite awhile. Some of you asked me for a follow-up study to include a lot more gun options than my previous December 2014 review on this
website, so here it is. Here is a brief Quiz I put together to initially assess certain firearms students, to best place them in certain types of
instructional classes and to learn their fundamental backgrounds and firearms-knowledge levels to help them. It is meant to be just one factor to be considered and really is just a fun exercise. There are going to be tense days. You’ll eventually run into someone who isn’t paying attention or just very extremely violent and rude. It doesn’t matter. Your concealed carry pistol stays concealed and in its holster until you are one hundred percent certain you intend to use it for your own
self-defense. There’s a lot that goes into carrying a concealed weapon as part of your lifestyle. Finding the right equipment, and training with it are the
first step. Learning your state’s laws and going through the process of getting the permit generally come next. These are relatively easy portions of the road; they’re documented and understood and generally straightforward. As with everything, though, there’s a vast gulf between theory and practice. So here are some of the common mistakes, pitfalls, errors, and oversights that CCW—both newbies and old hands—occasionally blunder
into. |