Refusing to wear masks, protesting COVID vaccination sites, and Donald Trump -- these are a few of California recall supporters' favorite things.

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Friends -

Refusing to wear masks, protesting COVID vaccination sites, and enabling Donald Trump — these are a few of California recall supporters’ favorite things.

And if they get their wish, they’ll replace Governor Newsom with someone who will deny the science on the COVID crisis and the climate crisis. They’ll undo the work Gavin has done to make California work for everyone, not just the rich and powerful.

We need to stop them, and I am happy to join the fight. But I cannot do it alone:

Can you make a $3 contribution to Gavin Newsom’s campaign to stop the Republican recall campaign in California? Help close out this 72-hour fundraising drive with as many donations as possible.

I’d like to take a second to talk about why your donation would go a long way, especially right now.

The truth is, the donations made early in a campaign go the longest way.

Every dollar you contribute today can go right to work building and identifying lists of supporters. Those early investments lead directly to greater fundraising and to more votes.

And in what’s likely to be a shortened campaign, time isn’t on our side.

So that makes these first 72 hours some of the most critical of the campaign. That’s why I am asking you to fight alongside Gavin if you can today:

If you’re in a place to make a financial contribution, will you pitch in $3 or whatever makes sense for you to help stop the attempt to recall Gavin Newsom in California? This 72-hour fundraising drive ends soon.

Thanks for being a part of this,



Committee major funding from: California Democratic Party

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