March is Women’s History Month, a chance to celebrate and recognize women’s achievements throughout history!
It’s been a long, tough fight for gender equality in this country. Last year was the monumental 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.
But progress has been much slower than all of us want and it’s a fight in which we need to be vigilant each and every day. Equal pay, sexual harassment, and reproductive justice are all issues women still face.
If you believe we must achieve full gender equality, then add your name to our petition today →
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We’ve made some huge strides over the past year, including electing our first female vice president, Kamala Harris!
But right now, women are bearing the brunt of the economic crisis COVID-19 has caused and women still earn less than their male counterparts on average.
Stand with me in the fight for full gender equality by signing our petition now!