Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Readings of the Day
Times can be tough. We look around and we can see great pain and suffering, like the weeping and crying described in the reading from Isaiah, or the father who approaches Jesus in John’s gospel fearing that without immediate intervention, his son will die. We may ask: Are our afflictions seen?
In the reading from Isaiah, the Lord announces that new heavens and a new earth are promised, and that there will be rejoicing and happiness in what will be created. After Communion, we pray that through the Lord’s holy gifts, we are given life and made new. By creating a new earth and by making us new, God rescues us. God sees our afflictions. Do we see this?
While talking with the royal official whose son was near death, Jesus tells him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” We not only acknowledge that by the Lord’s holy gifts we are given life by being made new, we pray for the sight to see signs and wonders and to hear and believe of God’s love and mercy.
How we see collectively is expressed beautifully in Catholic Charities USA’s vision statement:
“As Catholic Charities, we labor in the streets inviting and serving those who have been left out to know and experience the tremendous and abundant love of God through Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to break down walls of division that keep sisters and brothers separated from one another, excluded, or rendered disposable by our society. With joy, we resolve to build bridges of hope, mercy and justice toward the creation of a culture of communal care responsive to the cries of those who are poor.”
God sees and creates anew. We see signs and wonders, give thanks, and with firm determination serve each other. In so doing we say: We believe!
Kent E. Ferris, OFS, is Director of Social Action & Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Davenport.