With the American Rescue plan now in law and Washington starting to think about its next steps, we are thrilled to be working with you all to continue the drumbeat for action on health care in the coming months.
As a start to this push, Families USA and several national partners are hosting a Twitter Power Half Hour TOMORROW from 3-3:30 pm ET with the hashtag #FamiliesWantHealthReform. We hope you can join us! Use this template Twitter content to make it easy to participate.
We’ll also be releasing new polling results from Hart Research Associates, Americans Want Action on the Cost of Health Care This Year. Please save the date for March 31 at 3 ET when we will host a webinar deep dive on these findings and how they can inform our collective action to keep health care front and center in the coming months.
Please join us on Twitter tomorrow, stay tuned for the polling release, and keep an eye out for registration for the webinar!
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