
In a minute, I will ask you to add a donation to help us reach our critical $10,000 mid-month goal tomorrow. But first, I’d like to explain why I’m even asking and why your support matters so much.

Thanks to folks like you, we flipped Colorado’s Senate seat and secured a Democratic majority. Because of you, we ended Republican opposition and passed more COVID relief for the American people. And because of you, we’ll continue making meaningful progress to move our nation forward.

But make no mistake: Mitch McConnell is desperate to take back the majority. He’s calling up his wealthy friends to build an arsenal of campaign cash and the Republican campaign arm has already launched several nasty attacks against Democrats, including Colorado’s Michael Bennet.

We have to show the GOP that our majority is here to stay. And that starts with hitting every one of our fundraising goals. We cannot let them detect an ounce of weakness or else they’ll think Colorado is ripe for the taking.

So, here’s the part where I ask: If you can, will you make a contribution to help us reach our critical mid-month goal and protect our Democratic majority? We fought so hard to get here, and we cannot let Republicans take us back.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

As a freshman Senator, it’s critically important we hit our fundraising targets to prove to everyone that our momentum wasn’t just a fluke. Your grassroots donation does just that.

Thanks so much,
