Dear John,
What did it take to get food to kids when schools closed because of the coronavirus?
It took equal parts creativity, tireless effort, love, and of course, YOU!
From that very first day of closures all the way to today, the lifeline that’s been getting food to kids has depended on support from generous people like you.
To keep it going, we urgently need more help. Please give by midnight tonight, while your gift will be doubled by Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats, up to a total of $100,000.
You are fueling an unstoppable force of good. Please keep this heroic effort going with your gift today. Thank you on behalf of the hungry kids you’re helping!

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry
"I am definitely doing everything I can to be brave," she said. "It's very real here. We're just trying anything we can do to help feed these kids." — Christine Clarahan, Cafeteria Staff, Hammond, Indiana