ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Hi Friend --

Shocking news from the UK today: In its Integrated Review, the UK announced it will increase its nuclear weapon stockpile cap to 260 nuclear warheads

Instead of reducing the number of nuclear weapons to 180 by the mid 2020s - which is still a far cry from zero - the UK government is flaunting its previous commitments and increasing its nuclear weapons cap by 40%.  

It’s hard to understate how shocking and unacceptable this move is, and we need your help to make sure this does not go unchallenged. 

Clearly, it’s up to the international community to hold the nuclear-armed states to their promises to disarm. The UK, for example, is legally obligated under the NPT’s Article VI to pursue disarmament - not actively undermine it. And of course, nuclear weapons are illegal now that the #nuclearban treaty has entered into force. So increasing stockpiles should be out of the question. But creating a new norm takes time and international pressure, and now is the time to hold the UK accountable for their actions.

Today’s review was to show a new global Britain, and the UK could have taken real steps to end nuclear weapons, in line with the will of its people, but they did not. 

Let’s show them that the rest of the world doesn’t want Britain to start a nuclear arms race.  Share this story to your social media, tell a friend or find and call your UK embassy!

Daniel Högsta
Campaign Coordinator

It’s time to end nuclear weapons.

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