Dear John,

Midnight is coming! Tonight is the end of the third quarter for campaign fundraising. This is my final chance to show Speaker Pelosi, Ilhan Omar and the rest of her “Squad” that we are going to keep Minnesota’s 8th congressional district red.

I know you grasp what’s at stake in 2020. Do you want allies like Donald Trump in the White House and me in Congress, or are you fine with Democrat politicians ramming a socialist agenda through Washington that would cripple our economy and drastically alter our way of life.

That’s right, we’re under attack! Our way of life is being threatened and in fact mocked by East Coast liberals who make fun of our core values and insist they know best how we and our families should live.

Today is our last chance to record your donation for inclusion on our quarterly fundraising report. Today is our last opportunity in the third quarter to signal to Washington Democrats that we are fighting back!

You have been standing with us so far. Will you please make your donation before midnight tonight?

Thanks for everything. Jodi and I appreciate all that you do.

Pete Stauber

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