Hi John,
My staff, volunteers, and I are doing everything we can to grow the campaign and raise funds before the deadline.
Can you do one thing to be a part of that?
I’m personally asking you to reach out to at least 3 of the people that you know would support Agatha’s campaign and let them know she is running. Please let them know about our fundraising deadline and that we really need their donation right now, even if this is the only time they will give.
I’d also like to ask you to follow me on social media and share at least one of my posts to your network. You can reach all of those platforms from here, and also send this link to your friends:
If you think it’s a good idea for a challenger like Agatha to face Pelosi next November, this is the time to act.
Please #ElectTheFuture with me. I truly appreciate your help and support.