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Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

Is Biden Holding America Hostage Until ‘Independence’ Day?

Ron Paul, MD

China’s Monetary Tradition and the Origins of Money

Joseph T. Salerno

The Crypto-Jacobin Revolution in America

James Howard Kunstler

Leviathan Mobilizes for Decisive Battle

Alastair Crooke

Arrogant Totalitarian Control

Robert W. Felix

The Argument Against Reading and Words

Jon Rappoport

Americans Aren’t Experiencing Real Shortages Yet. We’re Just Living With Limited Options

Daisy Luther

How You Can Tell It’s a Fraud as Well as a Con

Eric Peters on the electric car.

Kool-Aid Time

Jeff Thomas on crazed public schools in LA.

Parler No More

Taki Theodoracopulos

Why Truth Cannot Survive on a Foundation of Sand

Bionic Mosquito

FDA Warns Dr. Mercola To Stop Writing About Vitamin D

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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