Dear John

Whoever aspires to be a church leader desires a noble task
(1 Timothy 3:1)

African Enterprise was established 60 years ago this year in Africa, by Africans, for Africa. Godly locals - who understand the culture and language and are committed to long-term ministry - are widely accepted by mission thinkers as being the most effective at growing and strengthening the local church.

AE has continued the legacy of the Apostle Paul who commanded Timothy to “appoint elders in every town” (on the island of Crete) based on their godly character and their “holding firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus:5-9).
Ben Sachie, AE Team Leader in Ghana, is just such a man.

Ben’s story:

Ben grew up in a rural area and did farming work until God gave him the opportunity to start school at 10. At a Scripture Union meeting in 1982 when he was in high school, his eyes were opened to what it means to become a Christian and let Jesus Christ take over control of his life, leading to tremendous transformation since.

After high school he joined a fellowship called “Jesus to the Rural World and did evangelistic campaigns in most of the villages around Drobo in the Jaman District (near the border with Cote d’Ivoire).

Through the activities of this fellowship, three churches were planted in Drobo and by God’s grace they continue to thrive and today have many branches.

After marrying Vida in 1993, he completed a 3-year Diploma in Theology at Christian Service University College in Kumasi, passing with distinction. He became a church pastor in Sunyani (mid-south west Ghana). Later he trained pastors and church leaders with Leadership Ministries and organised conferences and evangelistic campaigns in Sunyani. He met then AE Team Leader Rev. Dr. Nii Amoo Darku when he came to Suyani to organise the AE mission there in 2004, and coordinated the Mission.

Rev. Dr. Nii Amoo Darku invited him to join the AE Ghana team the following year and he also completed a Bachelor of Theology at Marantha University College at Accra.

In 2014 Ben was appointed as Team Leader for AE Ghana. As well as the mission work he has continued his passion for training leaders by running Pastor Training Courses in Kumasi.

He says “Working for African Enterprise has been a blessing to me. I have seen a lot of lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe that our gracious Lord is always on the move to accomplish His plan of redemption. He really has better things for us, and yet only together with us will they be made perfect.

The urgency of the task – evangelising the cities of Africa - is such that one person cannot do it all. It demands good partnership with the Church in Africa as well as support from the Church world-wide so that Africans can reach Africa for Jesus Christ.”


Ben’s favourites:

Book of the Bible: Jeremiah – it was the first public reading of scripture I did and when I became a Christian I understood my calling as in line with the calling of Jeremiah.

Hobbies: Gardening, photography and computer

Food: Fufu, plantain chips and cocoa drink

With his children: praying and reading the Bible, and playing board games with them.

Photo: Ben Sachie and his family


Click on the Image below to watch an update on our Togo Mission Preparation (organised by AE Ghana)

Rev. Dr. Prince Kalu is a Church Leader in Togo where he partnered with AE Ghana to evangelise Togo in Word and Deed. In this video you can hear more about his partnership with us but you also get to hear his amazing testimony.

Please pray

  • For God to raise up more leaders like Ben Sachie across Africa.
  • For the postponed mission to Togo (now planned for October this year): that preparation and training for this will be powerfully used by God to strengthen the church there.
  • For Bible Colleges in Ghana to be effective at training Christian leaders who will hold steadfastly to the truth.
  • For PTC students from Kumasi to use what they have learned and disciple many more.
  • For Heavenlight, a young evangelist from Tanzania would be used by God over her whole life to bring glory to Him through sharing his word with others.

Thank you, 


Ben Campbell

CEO African Enterprise


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