Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization  Email not displaying correctly?
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The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act is scheduled for a vote this week in the House of Representatives.  We need your help! Members of Congress need to hear from you that you want them to support VAWA.

The new updated version of VAWA maintains many of its key components but also expands in important areas. H.R. 1620, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021, would:

  • Increase prevention;
  • Invest in communities of color
  • End impunity for violence against Native women by non-Native perpetrators on tribal lands;
  • Improve access to housing for victims and survivors;
  • Protect victims of dating violence from firearm homicide;
  • Help survivors gain and maintain economic independence;
  • Improve the healthcare system’s response to domestic violence and sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.

VAWA has historically been supported in a bipartisan manner, but only two Republicans are currently co-sponsors of the bill. That’s why we need your help. We need to secure as many votes as possible to make sure it passes.

Check if your representative is sponsoring this bill here. If your Representative is not a sponsor, please ask them to vote for VAWA. You can find your representative hereTell them why it is important to you. 

You can also tweet your rep, and find their twitter handle here. You can use this sample tweet:

“I’m with @JacksonLeeTX18 & @RepBrianFitz. Pass the bipartisan #VAWA4ALL because all survivors deserve justice! @RepHandle, please co-sponsor and vote for H.R.1620 #VAWA21”

It is more important than ever that we reauthorize VAWA. Now is not the time to turn back. 


In solidarity,

Kiersten Stewart

Director of Public Policy and Advocacy


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