Since 2016, Our Revolution has been laser-focused on fulfilling Bernie Sanders’ vision of reforming the Democratic Party from the bottom up through grassroots organizing. In just a few short years, we have successfully elected progressives all over the country — and now in Nevada, progressives have just taken a HUGE step toward realizing Bernie’s vision. This month, a coalition of progressives swept all five leadership positions in the Nevada Democratic Party elections, effectively winning control of the party in one of the most important swing states in the country!
In response, the state party’s establishment staff all resigned — but not before reportedly transferring $450,000 from the state party to the DSCC. This is an unprecedented move by the old party establishment to undermine progressive power in Nevada. If they succeed here, the progressive movement in every state will face similar hostility when we win party elections. We are thrilled to be supporting the new and improved Nevada Democratic Party and we look forward to working with them to fight for critical issues like Medicare for All and securing a living wage for workers. Together, we will prove that a major swing state party can fight for progressive values while winning elections and building power.
Chip in what you can here to help Our Revolution and the Nevada Democratic Party work together to build a model for what a truly progressive Democratic Party can do! Each donation helps replace the half million dollars in funding that has been unjustly taken from the new leadership in Nevada.
If you’ve stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Our Revolution and the Nevada State Democratic Party will process immediately.
This upset victory in Nevada is only the latest example of how Our Revolution is changing the Democratic Party from the inside out. CIn 2021, we’ve elected progressives to serve on the DNC and fill top state party positions in CA, FL, IL, MI, AZ, CO and other states. With progressive activists gaining more power inside the Democratic Party, Our Revolution is ready to double-down on our efforts to fight for progressive party reforms. The continued success of our activism to transform the Democratic Party so that it represents the interests of people instead of just powerful corporations is essential in the struggle to make our democracy represent working people. Click here to split a donation now between Our Revolution and the new progressive Nevada Democratic Party to help us work together to transform state parties and usher in progressive reforms around the nation! In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution
