While it seems like a lifetime ago that we gathered to mourn Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, we are more determined than ever to honor her life and legacy by protecting the Court she served on.
John, our focus is on confirming judges and justices to the federal bench who bring RBG’s same commitment and vigor to make the law a tool for justice and equality. On her birthday today, will you help us?
Say “Happy Birthday” to the Notorious RBG by signing the card in her honor. As our gift to you, you’ll receive this exclusive Demand Justice RBG-themed downloadable phone wallpaper!
Sign the Card →
**PLUS: As our gift to you, you’ll receive this exclusive Demand Justice RBG-themed downloadable phone wallpaper!**
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RBG was the last civil rights lawyer on the Supreme Court. In recent years, we’ve seen lawyers like Justice Ginsburg - who have spent their careers fighting for civil rights and liberties - passed over in favor of corporate lawyers and prosecutors when judgeships come open. Now, our federal judiciary is stacked in favor of the rich and the powerful.
It’s time we have more judges who were civil rights lawyers, labor lawyers, and public defenders with experience representing real people, not large corporations. Just like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
If we want a shot at protecting our rights and our democracy, we must fight back by putting pressure on the new Democratic Senate majority to confirm more judicial nominees who can be counted on to uphold the rule of law.
John, recommit yourself to this fight. Sign the card in RBG’s honor. Click to add your name (and receive your exclusive RBG mobile wallpaper!) →
Honor RBG →
We must protect and expand RBG's legacy -- right now, and for generations to come.
Thank you,
Katie O’Connor
Deputy Chief Counsel
Demand Justice
Demand Justice is leading the fight to reclaim our courts. With a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, we can add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights. Are you with us? Find out how you can help →