What a month it's been for the socialist agenda in Congress. First, Nancy Pelosi passed the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package in the House -
in the middle of the night - without a single Republican vote.
Then, Pelosi and House Democrats pushed through another outrageous piece of legislation - H.R. 1, a massive election reform bill - which if passed by
the Senate would enable Democrats to cement a permanent Congressional majority.
How? By requiring states to adopt national voting standards set forth by Democrats in Congress including,
- Allowing government agencies to ignore immigration status when referring applicants to election boards under "automatic"
voter registration, and,
- Doing away with state voter-ID laws. No ID to verify voter eligibility? No problem!
While the entire bill is rubbish, there are several provisions that worry me more than others. Should Senate Democrats pass H.R. 1:
- Members of Congress would be entitled to taxpayer money to fund their campaigns - up to $5 MILLION dollars.
- Congress will be committed to delivering "full congressional voting rights to the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) - bypassing a vote on
D.C. statehood which cannot pass in a bill of its own.
We can put an end to these thinly-veiled attempts at fundamentally altering the way our elections are
run - but to do so we need to elect a Republican majority.
I have to be honest with you, John, while the COVID-relief package was chock full of wasteful spending that increased the budget deficit
exponentially, H.R. 1 would fundamentally alter American elections forever.
It's our duty to raise awareness about Pelosi's blatant attempt to amass a permanent Democrat majority in Congress. If we don't act now, soon it may be too
Democrats are not going to adopt rules from states who have their act together - like Ohio and Florida - they're going to take their cue from
Pennsylvania, New York, California and Illinois.
Consider that for 97 days, New York's 22nd Congressional District was without a member of Congress. Why? Due to severe delays in tabulating votes
caused by confusion over hastily written voting laws put into place at the start of the pandemic.
Or consider that, while Florida was able to count more than 11 million votes in the run up to Election Day, it took Pennsylvania more than two
weeks to count their votes.
On a final note: With the adoption of H.R. 1, it will become exponentially harder for states to update voter rolls without federal
oversight. That will lead to more and more voter fraud!
In the name of liberty, please sign our
petition today denouncing H.R. 1.
We must act before it's too late.

Jim Jordan