
Last year, you helped me win re-election to Congress in Massachusetts. We got it done with a decisive, historic margin, but to be honest, we weren’t exactly sure what the outcome would be heading into Election Night.

You’ve probably noticed that right-wing extremism is on the march. In every state in America, there has been a surge in white nationalism, conspiracy theories, and QAnon-candidates running for Congress. And of course, we all watched in horror as some of those right-wing extremists laid siege to the U.S. Capitol just a few weeks ago in an unprecedented act of insurrection.

That’s why I’m asking for your support today—will you chip in to my re-election campaign so that we can win here in Massachusetts’ 6th District?

It’s hard to know what the political landscape will look like a year from now. But, John, the 2022 midterm elections will be here before we know it and it’s important to be prepared.

Before we close out the first quarter of the year, please rush a contribution so that we can show strength on our quarterly public fundraising report and ensure that we have the resources we need to stop right-wing extremism in MA-06.

Click here to chip in.

Thank you,
