Nearly two months after the start of the new Congress, the Democrat-led majorities in both chambers have been moving quickly on legislation that would provide relief, strengthen our democracy, and protect our fundamental rights. But there is something on the horizon that could undermine the work we have spent years preparing for: the filibuster. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

People for the American Way

People For Member,

Nearly two months after the start of the new Congress, the Democrat-led majorities in both chambers have been moving quickly on legislation that would provide pandemic relief, strengthen our democracy, and protect our fundamental rights. But there is something on the horizon that could undermine the work we have spent years preparing for: the filibuster.

Join the thousands of People For members across the country who are calling on Senate Democrats to put an END to the legislative filibuster! >>

While Congressional Democrats were able to successfully shepherd through COVID relief legislation, they were only able to do so using a procedural method called reconciliation – a method that can’t be widely applied to all legislation. Unless Senate Democrats put an end to the legislative filibuster, critically important bills likely face a future where they stall and die in the Senate.

These are bills like the For the People Act, which would strengthen our democracy to ensure the government truly represents the interests of the People; the Equality Act, which would extend federal discrimination protections to the LGBTQ community; the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would protect and strengthen our voting rights; the PRO Act, which would strengthen workers’ rights, and so many other bills that would help usher in a new era of progressivism. This legislation, which would deliver a clear rebuke to the far-right movement that has attempted to enshrine Trump and Trumpism into the American Way, will not see the light of day unless we get rid of the filibuster.

We cannot allow the Far Right to hold progressive legislation hostage in the Senate! It is urgent that the new Congress and administration be able to enact legislation that the American people elected them to advance.

Sign the petition now and send a clear message to Senate Democrats: end the legislative filibuster! >>

If we are unsuccessful in putting an end to the filibuster it may spell disaster for many of our greatest legislative proposals and we CANNOT let that happen.

Thanks for all that you do,

Zach, People For the American Way









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Radical Right extremists are trying to turn back the clock on a century of advances in civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, the social safety net and more… they’re waging an all-out assault on the fundamental pillars of our country – democracy, checks and balances, a fair and independent judicial branch, and core values like fairness, equality, and justice for all.

People For is fighting back every day with:

✔ Grassroots organizing
✔ Lobbying and advocacy
✔ Research and education
✔ Voter mobilization
✔ And more…

But we can’t do this vital work without the robust grassroots financial support of our members and activists.

Please help fund the fight for progress and stand against right-wing extremism with an urgently needed donation to People For today>>

People for the American Way

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