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We need your help! Back the Arundel Alternative to stop damaging bypass

Regular readers will be aware of our work to campaign against proposals for a bypass that threatens acres of ancient woodland in the South Downs National Parks.
Highways England has now published its further consultation on proposals for the A27 Arundel bypass in the South Downs. Unfortunately, they are still refusing to consider anything other than a dual carriageway and all the proposed options would potentially damage the National Park or its setting. So we are supporting local campaigners' calls for a wide single carriageway to be built instead: the Arundel Alternative.
Please join us in rejecting Highways England's damaging proposals and calling for the Arundel Alternative. It is important to do this using the official response form as other responses may be ignored and there are details of how to do this here. It would be great if you could also let us know [add [email protected] ] when you respond. The deadline for responses is 24 October.

Snaptrip unveils new car-free guide series

Campaign for National Parks’ corporate supporter Snaptrip has started the incredible work of producing a guide to accessing the National Parks without a car.


Crummock water in the Lake District. Photo credit: Michael Turner

The overuse of private cars to access and get around the National Parks is a damaging issue in some parts of the Parks. We have been campaigning to improve alternative, sustainable transport options and for a series of other recommendations that would make the Parks accessible for those without a car.

Check out Snaptrip’s car-free guide to the Lake District by clicking here.

The momentum must continue

Our Chief Executive Corinne Pluchino reflects on the Glover review and the work that lies ahead.

She said: “We welcome the Glover Review’s ambitions.  We are very pleased by the number of our recommendations that have been incorporated into it, and are grateful to all the local park societies that shared their perspectives with us as we developed our submission.  At well over 80 years old we are still at the very forefront of the fight to make National Parks better for everyone.”

Halvergate Marshes in the Broads. Photo credit: The Broads Authority

“The next step rests with the Government.  The report’s ambition was broadly welcomed by Theresa Villiers, the Environment Secretary, but we must ensure the momentum continues.  Furthermore, as the report acknowledges, our National Parks and other designated landscapes are also shaped by issues beyond the review, such as planned reforms to agricultural payments when we leave the EU.”

Click here to read Corinne’s thoughts in our latest blog

Could you join the team?

Campaign for National Parks is looking for a Supporter Care and Administrative Assistant to join our fantastic team and further our work to protect and improve all the National Parks in England and Wales. Could that be you?
You have until Wednesday 16 October to apply.
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