COVID-19 has not impacted all communities evenly. Low income and working class communities of color have faced more medical discrimination, death, and economic hardship than anyone else. Undocumented people have been completely excluded from relief.
The new stimulus bill takes steps to address these disparities, but thousands of New Yorkers remain unemployed, on the verge of eviction, and surviving on food pantries.
NYCOFI launched its
COVID-19 Relief Fund last April to provide direct relief to those most impacted by the pandemic.
A year into the crisis, a survey of recipients showed:
- 23% of all recipients reported losing a family member to COVID, compared to 11% who lost family members a year ago, pointing to the inequitable impact of the pandemic on low-income communities.
- Half of those who received our emergency assistance funding have not been able to return to work.
- For those with children, 70% reported that child care and distance learning were affecting their ability to return to work.
- 83% of all recipients, including those who received government assistance, reported difficulty in paying rent.
It has long been our tradition to have each other’s backs when those in power fail us. With your help, we were able to pay for hundreds of families’ medical needs and groceries.
We hope you will continue supporting this work.
In solidarity,
Lucas Sanchez
Deputy Director