No more nukes: time to Scrap Trident

It looks like the UK government is about to announce an increase in its nuclear arsenal for the first time since the Cold War. According to reports published over the weekend, an integrated review of defence and foreign policy due out tomorrow will include the shocking announcement. 

We don’t want any more nuclear weapons. In fact, we don't want any.

The real threats facing us today are painfully obvious – we should be using our resources to deal with actual problems such as climate change and the pandemic. We should not be spending billions of pounds on weapons of mass destruction when investment is urgently needed in our NHS, education system and green jobs.

This announcement by the UK government would be hugely provocative on the global stage: it would be the first step in a new nuclear arms race.

If the government announces an increase in the UK's nuclear arsenal, CND is calling an emergency online rally this Wednesday (March 17th) from 6pm-7pm. 

Protest is a fundamental right in our society and CND will be making our opposition to this expected announcement clear.

Join the movement
With the ongoing attacks by the government on our right to protest, and this news about more nuclear warheads, it is critical that our anti-nuclear movement is stronger than ever. If you're not already a member, join CND today to make our voice as loud as possible.


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