
Attorney General Shapiro just announced the first deal of its kind in the nation: Pennsylvania’s largest gun show promoter, Eagle Arm Productions, will no longer allow ghost guns to be sold. 

These firearms can be assembled from 80% receiver kits, making them untraceable weapons of choice for criminals. Already, the number of ghost guns recovered in Philadelphia shootings is up nearly fourfold compared to last year¹. 

We’re hosting a special event tonight at 7:30 PM where Attorney General Shapiro will explain this historic agreement and discuss next steps. Reserve your spot here.

The announcement followed two surveillance operations that uncovered a criminal operation that bought these unserialized firearms at the Morgantown Gun Show and resold them in Philadelphia.

It marks the first step in ending the flow of ghost guns into criminals’ hands. But we know the work to stop ghost gun violence doesn’t end here. 

The Biden Administration needs to declare that ghost guns must follow the same rules as other deadly firearms. And other Pennsylvania gun shows should follow Eagle Arms' suit and end the sale of these weapons at their events. Attorney General Shapiro has been fighting to limit ghost gun possession for years, and tonight he’ll explain the work that still lies ahead of today’s victory.

We’ll be discussing future actions to fight ghost gun violence with AG Shapiro. Will you join us at 7:30 PM tonight?


Adam Garber
CeaseFirePA Education Fund, Executive Director

¹Conde, Ximena. "
Four Philly men arrested for making and selling untraceable ‘ghost guns." Whyy, March 7, 2021.

P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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