Action Alert

This morning, the Texas Heartbeat Bill (SB 8) is being heard in the Senate State Affairs Committee in the Senate Chamber at the Texas Capitol Building.

Texas Senator Bryan Hughes has filed SB 8, the Texas Heartbeat Bill, along with the House companion HB 1515 by Rep. Shelby Slawson to protect the lives of the unborn from the moment a heartbeat is detected. Texas must act this legislative session to protect innocent unborn life!

We need our pro-life supporters to take action RIGHT NOW to contact their Texas legislators! Our policy team is at the Texas Capitol right now and can provide help if you are planning on testifying today. Please immediately contact us at [email protected].

You can watch the Senate hearing livestream on Texas Values' Facebook page right now.

SB 8 requires physicians to check for a baby’s heartbeat and inform the mother if the presence of a heartbeat is detected. Once a heartbeat is detected, the doctor must take all necessary steps to protect the life of the child. The bill also creates civil liability for aiding and abetting an abortion.

Since 2013 Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee have all signed into law a similar Heartbeat bill - and it is time for Texas to be the next! Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has already designated this bill as a priority bill in the Texas Senate for the current legislative session.

The committee will also be hearing other Texas Values Action supported pro-life bills, including SB 1173 by Senator Kelly Hancock  – the Preborn NonDiscrimination Act, SB 650 by Senator Donna Campbell - protects taxpayers from funding abortion-related activities. Other pro-life bills being heard include SB 9, SB 394, SB 802, and SB 1647. 

Please act today and contact your Texas State Senator and Representative to support and coauthor SB 8, the Texas Heartbeat Bill by Sen. Bryan Hughes, and HB 1515 by Rep. Shelby Slawson! 


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


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(512) 478-2220
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