From The Republican Party of Texas <[email protected]>
Subject Chairman Allen West's Monday Message - 3.15.21
Date March 15, 2021 12:57 PM
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Chairman Allen West's Monday Message for 3.8.21

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Greetings, everyone. As I write this, it is
Saturday morning, March 6th, and I am in San Antonio staying at
the Hotel Gibbs. I arrived in San Antonio at 1 AM after speaking
at a Veterans Memorial event in Murphy, Texas. My room is on the
6th floor, in the corner, overlooking The Alamo battlefield. I
was truly tired upon getting into my room, but I opened up the
curtains and looked down upon the Alamo in the city lights, and
the aforementioned Latin quote came to mind, "Fortune Favors the
There have been many different attributions
of this quote, including Alexander the Great. However, when one
considers those words, and this day, it embodies the defenders of
The Alamo, led by a 26-year-old, Lt. Col. William Barret Travis.
The motto of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine
Regiment resembles this quote, "Fortune favors the Brave." One of
my former units in the Army was the 1st Battalion (Air Assault),
377th Field Artillery Regiment where I served as the Battalion
Executive Officer, call sign "Gunslinger 5." Our motto was "Be
Bold, Air Assault."
I think it is important that we clarify
something. Boldness -- bravery -- does not mean recklessness or
throwing caution to the wind. Boldness, and its ensuing results,
come from a commitment and conviction to stand with resolve
regardless of the loss of personal comfort, or in the case of The
Alamo, life.
It was the boldness of those men who decided
which side of the "line in the sand" they would stand on that
enabled us to live in the Lone Star State. History is replete
with the stories of ordinary men and women boldly asserting
themselves to achieve extraordinary achievements.
So, what does Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat mean for
us in Texas, in America, today?
It's simple. We are faced with a clear and
present danger to our personal liberty, freedom, and way of life.
We are on an ideological battlefield with a deranged, delusional
ideology that believes Dr. Seuss is racist, and that a
three-month-old baby can acquire racist tendencies. Of course,
that is if these progressive socialists allow the baby to live,
and not be dismembered in the womb.
We face the most deadly political philosophy
that has been responsible, in and of itself, for the deaths of
tens of millions all over the world by way of instilling fear,
intimidation, coercion, and violence as the means to advance
itself. We have come to know this philosophy as Marxism,
collectivism, socialism, statism, Stalinism, fascism. It is the
eradication of individual sovereignty and replacing it with
onerous, intrusive government control.
There is only one way to defeat this scourge
that has taken root in our America, seeking to establish itself
in Texas: boldness.
Consider HR 1, which nationalizes elections
under federal government control. It would mean the permanent
implementation of a one-party rule. Only boldness at the state
level can undermine such a dangerous endeavor. It is the type of
boldness reflected in the principle of constitutional
nullification, which we discussed in a previous Monday message.
HR 5, the disturbingly titled Equality Act,
seeks to destroy our very first liberty, the freedom of religion,
and the free exercise thereof. Fortune will be attained with the
boldness to re-establish the sovereignty of our states by denying
an ideological agenda to be forced upon citizens.
Legislation such as HR 127 and HR 130 would
undermine our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, a right
that shall not be infringed. Every totalitarian system has
advanced itself by first disarming its people, rendering them
Boldness means our respective State
legislatures must say "no" and disallow our constitutional law
enforcement officers, sheriffs, federal government agents to
confiscate the firearms of legal, law abiding citizens.
Texans have an example of boldness when on
October 2, 1835 they defiantly, boldly, told the Mexican calvary
who wanted their cannon, "Come and Take It."
Here in Texas, we are facing a massive crisis
at our border, created by the progressive socialists of the
Democrat Party. They are seeking to implement an open border
strategy by Executive Order, clearly unconstitutional. Texas must
be bold, and step up our game and send a direct message. We will
secure our border. We will keep our streets and communities safe
and secure, and deport (or turn back) those seeking to illegally
enter our state.
The days of believing that we can compromise,
appease, negotiate, and acquiesce to Democrats are over. Their
ideological agenda and philosophy of governance is inconsistent
with the fundamental principles and values of Texas and America,
and the rule of law in a constitutional Republic. Our future, our
fortune, must be secured, but it will require bold men and women
who seek not to be liked but, rather, regarded.
Republicans can no longer be reticent and
recalcitrant here in Texas, nor anywhere in America. The Party of
"cancel culture" has one objective: cancel any and all political
Download our new Republican Party of Texas
Legislative Priorities digital playbook. Ensure that you are
informed, educated, and then activated to be bold in this 87th
legislative session and advance a constitutional conservative
Fortune does favor the bold here in Texas.
Travis boldly stated that he would not surrender or retreat,
powerfully saying "Victory or Death." Colonel James Fannin, three
weeks after the fall of The Alamo, on March 27, 1836, was
executed, and his men massacred just south of Goliad at La Bahia,
after surrendering to the Mexican Army. Texans, choose today,
will you boldly stand and fight, or surrender?
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat!
Steadfast and Loyal,

LTC Allen B. West (Ret.)
Republican Party of Texas


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