Why a murder has sparked such anger in Britain over violence against women

Sarah Everard's death has sparked an outpouring of grief and anger over women's safety. Here's why the case has struck such a chord and what women want to change

Sarah Everard: London police under fire for clashes at vigil

Video footage showed scuffles and some women forced to the floor as police moved in to disperse crowds paying tribute

Wary US farmers weigh up joining Biden's climate fight

Some farmers are making climate-friendly green shifts - but the costs can be high. Will financial incentives persuade more to make the jump - especially those who backed Trump?

Fashion brands urged to fix 'broken industry' with pledge on workers' pay

More than 200 rights groups call for profitable brands to ensure workers’ well-being in post-COVID-19 recovery

No trees, no crops, no jobs: Burkina Faso's women fall back on hard labour

As climate change, tree losses and desertification mean farming no longer pays, women are turning to digging sand and gravel for construction to make a living

Black-clad women rally in Australia to demand gender violence justice

The rallies were spurred by a recent wave of allegations of sexual abuse, discrimination and misconduct in some of Australia's highest political offices

Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions - Vatican

The Vatican said that blessings by Catholic priests of same-sex unions and that such blessings are 'not licit' if carried out

India activist breaks silence on sedition arrest, says she felt 'violated'

Disha Ravi, a 22-year-old Fridays for Future campaigner, was charged for sharing an online campaign guide for farmers protesting India’s agricultural reforms

UK PM pledges £3 bln for England's bus network

More frequent, cheaper services on greener buses will be aimed at encouraging people to use public transport instead of their cars

Mexico's ruling political party ratifies candidate accused of rape

Women's rights campaigners say the decision highlights how violence against women is often swept under the carpet

Sri Lanka to ban burqa, shut many Islamic schools, minister says

Public security minister said burqa face coverings were 'a sign of religious extremism' and would be banned on 'national security' grounds

* Feel free to republish the Thomson Reuters Foundation stories above as long as credit is given.


OPINION: Artificial intelligence can help business include the LGBT+ community

AI has its own biases and limitations, but can be used to help improve diversity in hiring

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