Weekly Round-Up

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March 14, 2021 


De-Risking the India Relationship: An Action Agenda for the United States
By Sarang Shidore
Quincy Institute, 3/10/21

In the wake of a sharp deterioration in U.S.–China and India–China relations, there is an increasing emphasis in U.S. relations with India on military-to-military ties and bloc formation over other forms of relationship-building. 


Quincy Institute’s Suzanne DiMaggio on Reimagining U.S. Foreign Policy 
By Trip Brennan/ Interviewed: Suzanne DiMaggio, Board Chair
Blue Tent/Inside Philanthropy, 3/10/21

A leader of Washington's most unconventional think tank discusses the foreign policy "Blob," taking Koch money, and the future of US relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia.


Biden is Playing Into the Great Power Competition Trap With China 
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Director
Responsible Statecraft, 3/9/21

The Interim National Security Strategic Guidance correctly recognizes the unprecedented breadth of the security challenges now confronting the United States. Unfortunately, regarding China, it largely repeats the same old conventional language of contention and hostility.


Will the U.S. Finally End the War in Afghanistan?
Interviewed: Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
FOX 5, 3/12/21

While former President Trump vowed to end the United States’ involvement in Afghanistan, a military intervention that started nearly 20 years ago after the September 11th attacks, President Biden now has a key decision to make that could make that a reality.


It’s Time to Reexamine U.S. Sanctions on North Korea
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
The Diplomat, 3/9/21

Ever-tightening U.S. sanctions have not achieved policy goals, while severely limiting humanitarian activities inside North Korea.



Recalling the Travails of the ‘Big Stick’ by President Andrew Bacevich, Responsible Statecraft, 3/12/21

How Biden Benefits From Limiting His Own War Powers by Non-Resident Fellow Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy, 3/11/21

Impasse Over Iran Nuclear Talks Sets Off International Scramble to Save Accord by Lara Jakes/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The New York Times, 3/11/21

Leaving Afghanistan by May 1? Alas, Not Likely by Eve Ottenberg/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, CounterPunch, 3/12/21

Dem, GOP Lawmakers to Pursue North Korea Diplomacy by Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, Responsible Statecraft, 3/11/21

Blinken Grilled for Maintaining Trump’s Sanctions on War Crimes Court by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 3/11/21

Biden Defers to the Blob by President Andrew Bacevich, TomDispatch, 3/11/21

WEBCAST: Taps for America’s Empire of Bases? Reducing the U.S. Global Bootprint featuring David Vine, Christine Ahn, John Glaser, & Andrew Bacevich, Quincy Institute, 3/10/21

PODCAST: Why is it Important for Biden to Withdraw the Last of Our Afghan Troops ASAP? Interviewed: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Lars Larson Show, 3/10/21

Top Senate Dem Accused of Helping Hawks Sabotage Biden on Iran by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 3/9/21

Nine Ways Drawing Down Overseas Bases Will Improve U.S. Security by President Andrew Bacevich & David Vine, Responsible Statecraft, 3/9/21

Blinken to Afghan President: Play Ball or Get Out of the Way by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Responsible Statecraft, 3/9/21

The Biden Administration’s Leaked Afghan Peace Plan, Explained by Alex Ward/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Vox, 3/8/21


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