What a change 51 days can make!

Less than three months ago we watched President Trump cheer-on a violent mob as they attacked the U.S. Capitol. On Thursday, we heard heart-felt empathy and leadership from President Biden as he spoke to the nation about the vaccine progress we’ve made — and will continue to make — and the historic legislation he had just signed into law to rush help to those who need it most.

Let there be no doubt: Elections can bring transformative change.

The American Rescue Plan is one of the most far-reaching legislative packages in a generation. It will have enormous and direct impacts on workers, families, communities, state and local governments, and businesses across this country.

It’s a sad commentary on the broken state of our politics that not one Republican senator voted to make it happen. Not one.

But we can’t rest. We must turn to the important work ahead: restoring our democracy, taking urgent action for racial and social justice, addressing climate change, modernizing our infrastructure, confronting growing inequality, reducing gun violence and much more. And I’m going to need you in my corner every step of the way.

Can you chip in, any amount, to support our movement to deliver real progress for the American people?

If we’re going to keep making progress, we have to protect and expand our majority.

Republicans are determined to win back the Senate and are already recruiting big money candidates to run against Senate Democrats like me who are up for re-election in 2022.

We can’t afford to take our democracy for granted. Pitch in $5, or whatever you can, to keep our movement strong and help us prepare for the fights ahead.

Thank you for being part of this,
